
Privacy Policy

ÁñÁ«¹ÙÍø½øÈë is committed to protecting our users’ privacy by maintaining all reasonable precautions to secure this website. Visits to Hubbardhall.com are monitored for the accumulation of statistical information, including, but not limited to, the number of visits to the site, the pages people visit, from which domains the visitors come from and the browsers people use to visit the site. Such information is important to allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of our site and to make it easier for other visitors to use the site.

Personal Information
Personal information will only be collected on a voluntary basis from our visitors. We may ask you to register on our site or provide information about yourself or your company in order to visit some areas of our website or to receive some information. This information collected may include information about you and your company such as your name, title, company, address, telephone number, email address, and other similar types of information. The personal information we collect is only used by us to fulfill your requests for products or services or for marketing our products and services. We store this information internally only and use it for those general purposes. We do not sell, rent or transfer any personal information collected to any companies, including third party agencies.

We may use “cookies” to help you use our services more easily and to help us continuously improve our website and our service to you. A cookie is a small amount of data that is transferred from a web server through your browser and stored on the hard drive of your computer, to help our website “remember” information about you when you return to our website, such as your preferences for our website or account id’s. Our cookies cannot read data off of your hard drive, read cookie files created by other websites or track any personal information about you. You may be able to set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie.

Our website may contain links to other relevant sites. While we do our best to only link to reputable sites, ÁñÁ«¹ÙÍø½øÈë cannot be and is not responsible for the content of those sites or your privacy once you leave our site.

ÁñÁ«¹ÙÍø½øÈë takes reasonable precautions to keep all information obtained from our online visitors secure against unauthorized access and use. We will not, without permission, give, sell or provide to others for a fee any information that our visitor’s provide us. We will always ask for and obtain your permission before sharing your information with another company.

If you have any questions on our privacy policy please contact us at [email protected]